Welcome to the "Do the Math" Challenge Cambridge blog!

From October 4-8, 2010, several members of the Cambridge community will be eating from a typical food hamper in order to draw attention to poverty in our community and what many people on social assistance experience on a regular basis. This is in support of the Put Food in the Budget Campaign, which is calling for a $100 Healthy Food Suppliment in Ontario to support the health and well being of all Ontarians.

Follow along as the participants share their thoughts.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dave's blog

Check out Dave Smith's thoughts on the "Do the Math" Challenge at his blog here, under the media tab.

Here is an excerpt:
Day #2 is tougher than Day #1.  Breakfast consisted of some crackers, a few apple slices and peanut butter. I had a quick workout this afternoon and folowed it up with a ham sandwich. I feel tired and weak.This diet consists of approx. 80% carbs, which is a huge increase from what I'm used to. It makes me feel sluggish and I have a tough time concentrating.  Doing this daily would kill my exercise routine and my mental focus!

1 comment:

  1. Hot Yoga

    I just got back from a session of hot yoga...bad idea on a near-empty stomach! I think I almost fainted a couple of times but somehow made it through. My conclusion: no more hot yoga this week!
