Welcome to the "Do the Math" Challenge Cambridge blog!

From October 4-8, 2010, several members of the Cambridge community will be eating from a typical food hamper in order to draw attention to poverty in our community and what many people on social assistance experience on a regular basis. This is in support of the Put Food in the Budget Campaign, which is calling for a $100 Healthy Food Suppliment in Ontario to support the health and well being of all Ontarians.

Follow along as the participants share their thoughts.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thank you

Thanks to all the participants in the "Do the Math" Challenge Cambridge. Your posts over the past week have been candid and insightful. We hope this experiment has shed light on the food insecurity that many in our community experience regularily, and can be an important step in addressing the issue of poverty in our community.

-The Do the Math Planning Committee

Be sure to check out the following media coverage:

"Food Hamper Takes Toll", The Cambridge Times

"Eating only from an emergency food hamper an eye-opener — when I could keep my eyes open", The Record

1 comment:

  1. I really don't believe that Mayor Doug Craig could fathom the harshness of living in poverty. He not only had no comments or posts before, during or after this challenge; he shows no decent reason as to why he even participated.
    If you had to live on a limited food budget , Mayor Craig and had other limitations; such as access to a Family Doctor,decent clothing for every season of the year. money to provide essentials for other family members or even a decent home; I think you would be crying foul all the way to Parliament Hill.
    Sadly , there are not enough people who could understand how those who live in poverty in an ever growing City like Cambridge; or any city for that matter; could possibly survive every single day on a slim budget.
    They do not choose to be on Social Assistance, Disability or a Seniors Pension etc.This is what they were handed in life and not even those who say they can help make a change, are able to do so. An exrta $100.00 wouldn't cut it.
    This challenge should have been a full month and THEN the participants would have something to say. Not just a few, but ALL.
    In my honest opinion; there should be no such thing as 'Poverty 'in Canada at all.Some chose this path but so many others did not.
