I found myself in a hurry this morning to make an appointment , so it was a cup of coffee and gone through the door . Had intentions of eating breakfast but kind of slept in . I did however make it over to the Rotary Haus celebration at the Cambridge Centre for a free Octoberfest sausage ( as per Pat's instruction ) and to volunteer to help move a few grand-stands . I finally was home this evening in time to sit down and have dinner with my family . I made two sandwiches from the packs of ham that was in my hamper and opened up a can of beans . I never had any of my tomato juice tonight , instead just water . As the days move forward I have now had a shift in mind set . On Monday I wondered if I could make it through the five days on my food hamper , now I know I can . I may not have the choices that I really want , but in looking into our pantry at home , I'm seeing much of the same canned goods , pasta , cereal , and rice that was in my hamper . I grew up on powdered milk , ( or white water , as someone referred to it as , lol ) and when I trained that was all anyone used , due to controlling fat intake . However , remember that I am eating out of my hamper as a single 44 year old working class fellow . As I enjoyed dinner with my wife and little boy , who will soon to be two , I did ask myself how I would feel about having to serve the contents of my hamper to sustain them .Now its a little cloudy ! Is there a hamper more specific to my families needs ? In my case for excample , I have a two year old son and a wife who is 7 months pregnant . If I found myself on hard times , could I get diapers , could I get a roast of beef , some potatoes , maybe some chicken . Now I'm thinking much harder because unlike the single adult , now there is a toddler whos needs are much greater than my own . I can't get up in the morning and give him a coffee untill noon hour ! My wife being pregnant represents a whole new set of nutritional needs . I thought about having to pack up my family and take them to one of the drop ins . Well tonight my little guy is sick ( one of this mornings appointments ) and what if I don't have a car . As a matter of fact what if I work an afternoon shift , do I expect my pregnant wife to get the little guy on a bus to head down for dinner ? I know these are just a few examples of what families face on an ongoing bases . The answers would come pretty easy to me but I can see how for others it would present a challenge .I am taking my family to Hespeler Baptist Church tomorrow for dinner at 5:30 , I will let you know how a family of three , soon to be four , makes out !
Tony Campbell
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